Welcome to RecDesk!

First time users: Please start by creating a parent account and then add other household members. This will allow you to register yourself and your family members for many of our programs, leagues, and events now and in the future.

Online registrations will allow you to register and pay for these things without needing to call or come by the Louisburg Recreation Commission. We will continue to take registrations in person if that’s what you prefer.

Late registrations: If you are registering after the deadline, please sign up on our waitlist. We will contact you if a spot becomes available.

Mission Statement/About Us


About LRC

The Louisburg Recreation Commission is committed to serving our community by developing and maintaining programs for all ages and abilities.  It is the goal of the LRC to provide quality programs that allow for the development of physical and social skills to explore new and exciting recreation opportunities for all age groups and to consider the needs and desires unique to Louisburg residents.

Our quickly budding population of young families to Louisburg means a growing need for recreation opportunities that inspire people to Stay and Play right here in the heart of Miami county.

An active recreation program enhances a sense of community while organized youth, adult and family activities instill personal confidence and encourage lifelong relationships.

The leadership provided by our skilled Employees, as well as our experienced community activists that create our Board of Directors is critical for the success of our mission!



 Kelley Waddell

 Eric Wiehe  
 Heidi Maggio
 Bradey Ewy  
 Shannen Patterson

Assistant Rec Director: